
Ekostabilizations are dry concrete mixes, produced on the base of coal combustion by-products from the energy sector: ashes and slags. They are characterized by their own potential of solidifying and binding properties. During ramming mixes with the binder, with the participation of water, the reaction occurs between silicate minerals (pozzolans) and calcium compounds that improve the physicochemical properties and the supporting substrate.


  • to perform pavement structural layers: layers of foundation and improved road surface ground with the motion transmission of category KR1 to KR6
  • the reinforcing layers, frost protection, shut off
  • the road substructures (major and minor)


Constructions from ash concrete mixes - slag (ecostabilization and ecobases) can be carried out at airports, roads, streets, squares, parking and at broadening and reinforcing of existing pavement structure and improving the road base, using according to the recommendations of technical specifications - Instructions for Use Concrete mixes fly ash - slag.

Technically, products a compliant with the standard: PN-EN 14227-3 „Mieszanki związane spoiwem hydraulicznym. Wymagania. Część 3: Mieszanki związane popiołami lotnymi ” lub PN-S-96012 „ Podbudowa i ulepszone podłoże z gruntu stabilizowanego cementem „


Depending on the strength class we offer:

  • Ekostabilization UTEX BP 1,5

  • Ekostabilization UTEX BP 2,5

  • Ekobase UTEX BP 5,0

  • Ekobase UTEX BP 6,0

  • Ekobase UTEX BP 8,0

  • Lean concrete 6-9

Ashes and slags are materials of an alkaline properties due to the presence of compounds of lime. In this respect they are similar to traditional binders or cement and lime, and therefore environmental impact and safety conditions are the same as when using conventional binders.


We realize transportation through own  fleet of specialist vehicles and rail. We also cooperate with experienced carriers providing services for us at the highest level. Especially important for us is to maintain the security of both loading   and during transport and unloading at the destination.
Logistics department realizes efficiently and timely deliveries to the customer. It helps to keep the continuity of the investment, flexible planning further deliveries to the construction site. Using our logistics customers do not bear any risk in transport and ordered material is delivered on time at the designated place.


 Together with supplying mixes we offer free technical and technological consulting, involving the preparation of the alternative and competitive technologyreplacing the traditional solutions but equally good, based on ash and slag mixtures.Our technical advisors are qualified construction engineers, with years of experience. They serve customers with their knowledge for the optimal use of our technology in a given implementation and consult with the designers and contractors - monitoring the application of the material. They are available until completion.

Customer service assist throughout the process of of ordering and settling material. For regular customers we offer attractive conditions with long payment periods.

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Sale and technical advices

Jacek Zyśk - kom:+48 691 200 082, e-mail:

Customer Service (invoices, payment): tel. +48 32 4294 768, -827

Logistics (sale and supplly notification):
ZP Rybnik  - tel. +48 503 316 460
ZP Kamień - tel. +48 515 197 505