
We manufacture CEM II B V 32,5 based on fly ash and complying with requirements of PN-EN 197-1 as well as suitable for production of ordinary concrete in C8/10 to C30/37 strength classes.
Owing to its physical properties, our cement may be used in the construction sector for production of concrete, mortars and construction products.
The cement constitutes a perfect binder for soil stabilisation, delivery of bedding layers for pavement and path surface and for production of lean concrete for bearing and road structure bases.
It is especially recommended for all construction works and house renovations, where cement has to be used, i.e. for bricklaying, plastering, concreting of foundations, tie beams, lintels etc.
It has good influence on workability of construction mixtures, mortars, glues and plaster and concrete elements made with the use of the cement are characterised by low shrinkage and high durability.

The company’s documents permitting use of Portland cement:



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tel. +48 32 4294 768, -827

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PP Rybnik  - tel. +48 32 4294 825
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