PGE Ekoserwis offers complete operation of the following:
- individual biomass feeding system to BC-1 unit in the Port of EC Wrocław,
- biomass collection, storage and feeding system in EC Czechnica.
The aim of a task entrusted with our company is to ensure continuous biomass feeding to manufacturing equipment in the annual average volume of approx. 400.000 Mg for maximum daily consumption of approx. 750 Mg.
The system is prepared to feed 70% of biomass weight share (45% of power energy share) in the fuel weight stream fed into the boiler. The system is a basic system for biomass feeding to BC-1 Unit. In case of operation of an individual system, biomass is not fed into the boiler through a common system. The nominal capacity of the system is 25Mg/h (maximum - lOOMg/h).
Our services include:
- monitoring of realisation of the current plan of supplies,
- coordination of passenger vehicle and railway stock traffic within the area of biomass collection and stocking,
- collection of biomass supplies, logistics and storage area with the use of railway and vehicle transport, including, registration, quantity control and preliminary quality control, unloading and collection of biomass samples from particular supplies,
- loading (filling) of storage tanks, including registration and archiving of necessary data relating to the process and collection of samples of biomass for consumption; niezbędnych danych z tego procesu oraz pobieraniem próbek biomasy podawanej do zużycia,
- zapewnienie ciężkiego sprzętu budowlanego do obsługi części logistyczno – magazynowej,
- ensuring of heavy construction equipment for operation of the logistics and storage area,
- close cooperation with operators and repair services with respect to operation and monitoring of the current condition of equipment used for biomass collection, stocking and feedingi oraz monitorowania bieżącego stanu urządzeń do przyjmowania, składowania i podawania biomasy,
- maintenance of readiness for biomass feeding in accordance with the schedule,
- maintenance and repair of equipment and systems in accordance with operating manuals.